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Looking for a Second Vacation Home or Investment Property? Be sure to Answer These 3 Questions BEFORE You Buy!

So… You are lucky enough to happily live in your dream home, and now you’d like to buy a second home or investment property. Here are the top 3 questions you need to answer before you buy!

Obviously, but no matter what kind of property you buy you want it to increase in value, so WHERE is the most important thing to consider. Look for an area that hasn’t quite reached the tippy top; look for one that’s growing. Lean on an experienced agent to understand what infrastructure and business developments are planned for the next 3 years. Pick a spot with a strong future.

HOW do you want to use it? Is it somewhere fun you want to enjoy, or do you only care that it makes money and attracts long-term steady tenants?

WHAT improvements does it need? You’ve decided where you want your second home to be and what you want to do with it… now, is there anything it needs to be the best at its new job? Make that list, and make sure your purchase still makes sense.

If you are looking for an investment property and want a hands-on person to look after your investment, Matthew Hutfles is your guy! He is on my team and personally manages properties for all our top investors.

What if you want a second home outside of Nashville? We have a fantastic network of experienced agents and can hand-pick one for you who is an expert in the city where you want to be.

As always, if you don’t want to miss anything in Nashville’s Luxury Real Estate market, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel. Leave me a comment here or ask me a question. I’ll answer anything that comes my way!

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